Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Smudge sticks

Some of my friends turned me on to smudge sticks last year. Thanks Kirk and Dora! It's like incense but created by native americans. It is kind of simple to make. It consistes of cedar bows and sage brush leaves. At least that is what I'm using. You tie these things into these "sticks" and they are about the size of a cigar. Then you let them dry out.

Last weekend I collected both cedar bows and sage brush leaves as both of those things are just off of the highway in Monana. The Cedar trees are up on the mountain passes (I know where to find them) and the sage brush is out on the prairie. The sage has fresh new leaves on it now. The only problem is that the sage brush is in SNAKE country! But I have all I need right now.

What you do then is light this like you would an incense stick. It smells really good. Would make great Christmas gifts as they are kind of unusual.

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