Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm always tempted to write about two things that I really want to avoid on bicycle log. Politics and work. Religion is fair game.

If I wrote about work, I'd probably just end up criticizing everyone, and since I'm one of the managers, that wouldn't be fair. And it wouldn't be healthy. Plus I truly care about our employees. I certianly get sick of them from time to time but I can't be supportive of them if I criticize them.

Politics are somewhat different. If I criticize the wrong party then I could certianly loose my job. Having said that I watched Henry Kissinger on the Charlie Rose show today. I'd love to sit down with Kissinger and have a chat. He criticized the VPs speech that he delivered in Lithuania, prior to meeting with Putin. But he did it in a very diplomatic way, and I loved they way he put it. Even republicans I know thought the speech was stupid. Ok I need to stop right there.

As far as work goes, we have gotten to a stopping point on a large job so I might be able to get some time off. I've been working late every night. It is summer and I have vacation time that I can never take. I have so many things I need to do around the house. I'm pulling out these big bushes and just haven't had the time to finish the job. Plus I really need to be on the bike as much as possible.

I went to the dentist for a cleaning today. I hate going to the dentist. After I was done at the dentist my bike shop is just on the other side of the road. So I went in there and bought myself some new cycling socks. Recently I bought some new cycling shoes and I'm having a problem with one of them. I have hard feet to fit. I'll talk more about this later.

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