Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pow wow and sailing

There was a big Pow Wow on the reservation at the lake this weekend in Montana. The tribe comes together, and they dance and have other activities. It's pretty cool as you can hear the drum beat at the end of the bay in the still of the night. Boom boom boom boom. It's really cool to hear that at night, and something I've heard every year growing up. The tribes are Kootenai and Salish, but there may have been other tribes at the pow wow. The Blackfeet aren't that far away but I'm not sure if they get along. I should have gone down there today as I would have been way outside of my bubble. But I also would have been in their bubble and even though they are cool about it, I didn't feel comfortable. I think I'd have to hate white people if I were a native american. But they are cool about it. There were some tribal members staying at the place next to ours to attend the pow wow. The kids were paying in the water and making a sound as they attacted eachother that you might expect a native american warior to make. I got a kick out of that. The were nice kids. They spend a lot of time in the evening doing their hair and such before they went to the pow wow.

A while back, there was a young girl sitting on my pier who was staying next door who looked bored out of her mind so I asked her if she wanted to go sailing on my Hobie Cat with me. She jumped at the chance, and we had a nice sail. She was taking photography in college at SKC, so we had a lot in common.
Here is a link to Salish and Kootenai College.SKC She had never been sailing and it was a nice experience for both of us. She couldn't believe how quiet and smooth is was. The Hobie Cat just cuts through the water and you sit on that trampoline and it is very smooth compaired to other sailboats.

She was from Portland. She ended up being a city girl. We were fllying along on the catamaran and I told her that it made me feel like Kevin Costner in the movie Water World. She just cracked up at that one. :) I've been told my voice is like Kevin Costner. I didn't intend to make a reference to Dances With Wolves. But she did pick up on that and we had a laugh.

There used to be a young checker at the grocery store who couldn't get over my Kevin Costner voice. So then I started to play it up, and come to think of it, I do sound like Costner! So I started to say lines from Dances With Wolves to her when I went through her line like, "tatonga"/ buffalo, and make horns with my fingers, (and BTW I also went to M&S Meats this weekend which is just a few miles away, and bought some more ground buffalo as it is so much better than ground beef. You can order on line!) Anyway, sometimes I would just walk by her line and make the horns with my fingers. We would laugh and laugh about this. I need to add Dances With Wolves to my favorite movie list.

Here is a photo from a few weeks ago when I took Lizzie and my mom out on the Hobie Cat. I got to spend some time with Lizzie this weekend also so that was cool too. We had a nice chat, and I greatly valued the time I get to spend with her.

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