Sunday, November 26, 2006

My copper pipes and new links

I thought I'd get a lot of cleaning done today. It was snowing outside. I was hunkering down with my cat. Finally I went down into my basement to throw some things in the washer. My basment is unfinished except fo the bathroom down there. I heard this drip drip drip. A valve on a copper pipe was leaking. A cold water line going upstairs. Great, I thought. So I got my tools out thinking I could tighten the valve and end the leak. It became clear that the valve was broken, and water started to spray out instead of drip. So I turned off the hot water tank and then the water coming into the house. Then the toilet wouldn't flush. So I head out to Home Depot.

My plan was to remove the valve and then splice a new section of copper in. I don't do this all the time but I have fixed copper pipes before. On my way to the store I planned my repair. I'll forget about installing a new valve. Too complicated. The less valves you have the better in my view. So I bought a small section of copper pipe that was the right diameter I bought a propane torch with flux and solder. And also some joints. I did have a hack saw. I stopped at Carl's Junior and got a couple of straws, as I had to remove water from the lower section of the vertical run.

So I got home and cut out the old section and cut a piece to fit and then sweated it into place. It really wasn't that bad. But you do have to know what to do. It did cost me $25 for all the stuff I bought. But I needed a torch anyway, and that was most of the cost. If it happens again I'll be ready.

I've added a couple of links to blogs I like on my side bar. I didn't ask either one of them if I could link to them so I hope they don't mind.

Grew Up Rural has been a faithful reader and has been with me for a long time. There is good adivse about the holiday season on her blog.
Grew Up Rural

Veronica Khokhlova writes the first blog that I ever read. She is the reason I started a blog. It's been a good thing for me. Veronica is also one of the most talented photographers I've ever seen. Her photos truly rise above. Plus she is a true journalist out of Ukraine and Russia. Check her out at Neeka's Backlog and Global Voices.
Neeka's Backlog
Global Voices


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    He bikes, writes, AND does home improvement!

    I'm impressed.

    Carl's Junior was my favorite place to get cheeseburgers (when I could eat them, I can't even finish one now).

  2. Not sure you can call what I do writing.

    Not too many fast food choices here. Thankfully there is Taco Bell and a regional Taco Time. There is nothing on the McDonalds menu I will eat.

  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

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  4. I don't mind at all.
