Saturday, February 17, 2007

Flying tiger

I went skiing today in total fog. As I made my way to the race course It was a total white out and I got vertigo going over a riser. Little dropplets of mist would get on my goggles and make visibility impossible, At the race course they were just starting to open it to the public. The start is up on a hump. You could see the first gate and part of the second but then the hill drops away and beyond that was nothing but fog. So I decided to run it and just look to the next gate to go around. I ended up getting the 4th fastest time, but one of my rivals beat me.

Here is a photo of a Suburu that I took on my way home. Notice the little bombs on the rear fender. Whoever did this gets my award for best home-made vehicle graphics. There are some WWII pilots rolling over in their graves.


  1. The P-40 is my favorite vintage plane, probably because of the Flying Tigers association. I have a replica blood chit on the bomber jacket I wear sometimes. (FYI, the flag on the blood chit is now Taiwan's current flag, which may or may not get changed)

    The movie wasn't really good, but I really liked the plane Jude Law had in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow".

  2. I bet that jacket looks cool. I did not know about that flag. I guess the Lockheed P-38 Lightning is my favorite WWII plane.

    I'm a wuss when it comes to flying. I have no problem on skis. Perhaps if I was the one doing the flying. I got some serious vertigo today in the fog, once going slow on my way to the course, and once in the race course. I was going down a steep section and got that feeling in my gut like I'm going way too fast and couldn't see anything and my head started to swim. Your instinct is to hit the breaks, but I stayed with it and on the next turn I started to pull some Gs and that collected my sense of direction.
