Thursday, March 08, 2007

Betty and Wilma

I've got a little bit of a sore throat but it's not from skiing. It's from going to work and being around sick infected people. You don't get a virus from going out in to the cold you get it through contact with someone who has it. There's one person at work who has what I think is chronic bronchitis. She coughs at just about every word she speaks even when she is "healthy". She used to be a heavy smoker but now just smokes a little. She's always coughs when she laughs. When she does, I want to clear my throat for no reason. She recently has a sinus infection, so she comes in and blows her nose, and I'm like, could you please go to the bathroom to do that! "Oh don't worry I have a sinus infection" and I'm like, well in that case it's ok. I guess infection is safe. I can't possibly get infected with your infection!

Anyway when she laughs and coughs, it brings to mind something Wilma Flintstone once said. (the woman who was the voice of Wilma Flintstone actually) She died a few years ago from cancer if I remember. But in this interview she said that when Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble would laugh "Ha Ha Ha" with their mouths open, they would cough as they were both smokers. So they decided that when they laughed they would go "Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm." in fast order. That way they could laugh for the soundtrack with their mouths closed and wouldn't cough.

How sad.

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