Alec Baldwin was recently on the morning news programs chewing out his daughter on her answering machine for missing a phone call or something. My gosh, it he sounded pretty scary. Not sure I'd want to talk to him either. Messy divorce with Kim I guess, but I'm not sure an eleven year old girl is going to process something like that in a positive way despite whatever motivated him to do it. And then to have it played infront of the whole world like that. If things were bad before, they're probably worse now.
I was talking this over with a guy at work. He had a little daughter. He and his friend had been working on a truck all day and sent his wife to the store to get them a six pack of beer for when they were done, and some aluminum foil for the BBQ. So his wife went to the store with his little daughter. The little daughter wanted some candy. The wife said no we are just getting a couple of things. Then daughter started to pull some strings. "I want milk!" she said, thinking she could manipulate her mother. Her mother told her that they didn't need milk and was starting to loose her patience. When they got to the checkout line there were all of these people in line. "I want milk!" the daughter said again. "We don't need milk the mother said again." Then the daughter said "You buy Daddy beer but you won't buy me milk!" I know that girl and can just imagine her saying that. I guess the checker looked pretty disgusted as did all of the people in line. The wife was pretty upset with the daughter when they left the store and I don't imagine she was too happy about giving the beer to the father.
what a good story! sometimes you just have to laugh at what kids say.