Shooting stars
Every spring the wild flowers bloom in the mountains. These little flowers are called shooting stars. They are very small and perhpas you've seen them. They bloom in the grass behind the Gouchenour cabin where I took this photo. You usually see them in an alpine area, but you have to be there at just the right time. I think they must have come in with a bird. There are some very big mountains only a few miles away. Every year they come back about this time for a week or two and then they are gone without a trace. I've kind of cultivated them by not mowing until they go to seed and I don't use any weed killer, and each year we get more and more, but nobody else has them where we are. I've never seen so many in one place. Now and then there will be a white one. Click on the photo to get a better look. (I really think you should!)
They're so pretty!