Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Moose Drool

I bought a new T shirt while I was in Montana. Moose Drool is one of the beers that the Big Sky Brewing Co. makes in Missoula not far from where I grew up. It's one of those things that crosses party lines, and around here you can fit in with many groups of people wearing this shirt, kind of like wearing a University of Montana hoodie, but unlike wearing a Greenpeace shirt or an NRA shirt. Since I have friends on all sides of the political spectrum, this shirt is a good wardrobe choice, plus there is a certian hometown pride. As far as Moose Drool it's self goes, it's only one of the beers Big Sky Brewing makes, but the best known due to the name. There are many other beers that I'd rather drink, but it just goes to show you the power of advertising. Most micro brews taste like home brew to me. Beer is kind of like wine in that respect, but I won't turn down a Moose Drool if someone offers, and if you get the chance, give it a try.


  1. I wasn't too fond of Moose Drool, but when I tried it I was phasing out of "must have Guinness" and probably lost my taste for darker brews.

    I tried a Killian's Irish Red the other night, which I didn't think was bad.

    I'm starting to guess my palate only really likes wine.

    Regardless, that's a nice shirt!

  2. Killians Irish Red used to sponsor a bike racing team and you can still buy the retro jersey. I've never tried that beer. I usually like Lager or Pilsner, but now and then I'll try something different.

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    You mean like Raineer?

  4. And Rainier was regional but it's going away. The original micro brew. Kind of like Great Falls Select. All of the regional western beers, and national beers, for that matter had German influence or founders. Most american beers are Lagers for that reason.

    But I've been trying other imports. The problem is that most of the ones I like are expensive.

  5. Try Thai Beer. My dad really has fond memories of it.

    He once bought a bottle for me at an Asian grocery store here; I didn't think it was bad, but I think I prefer Killian's to it. It had a sharp afterbite to it.

  6. I'll have to try that.
