Thursday, October 18, 2007

The phone booth

When we are up in the woods at hunt club, someone will run around and find a place where you can get cell phone coverage to call back home. The spot is marked and becomes known as the "phone booth". I took my buddy up to the phone booth with my camper for him to check in with the Mrs. It was way up on a logging road.

"It really sucks up here in the woods,..You wouldn't like it honey, there are mice in the tent... I miss you XXX!"

I'm just kidding! :)


  1. "The Phone Booth" - cute!

  2. I like that phrase. I miss going camping. Used to go a lot when I was younger.

  3. Nice.

    I think, if I was married or seriously-involved, I wouldn't force or make my fellow commit to phoning in from the trip. That just seems like not-so-much-fun for the guy, and instead of encouraging a good thought "I miss my wife", it encourages a bad thought "me doing this to make her happy is taking away from my enjoyment with the guys".

    Don't get me wrong, I'd probably love a phone call, but it's not something I'd expect.

    Maybe I'm just unconventional.

  4. We name everything up there. That way you don't have to describe a place over and over in conversation. A few examples:

    The golf course
    The rock
    The knoll
    The landing
    The horseshoe
    The wood pile
    The phone booth, and on and on.

    Actually that guy had a sweet conversation with his wife. They'd been apart for a while because he was back east on a business trip before he went hunting. But she really hates camping.
