Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A strange dream

I had a strange dream last night. In my dream I had a wife and a little daughter. We lived in an apartment way up high in a tall apartment building in a big city. My daughter had brown curly hair that was parted on the side (her left side) and she wore a green and black plaid dress white socks and black shoes (the only time I saw her. as I only saw her once in the dream.) My wife looked just like my daughter except bigger, (about 6 feet tall) with the same hair parted on the side but just wore slacks and a green blouse. I had a conversation with my wife about how we thought our daughter was artistic so we decided to buy her a paint set. Then my daughter went crazy and painted the whole apartment olive green, black and silver, and she just threw the paint around in no order. It looked kind of cool actually. I was at work and my wife called me on her cell phone and was frantic about this and I could see the apartment despite not being there and I was saying "I know, I know, calm down, I'll be home after work, we'll talk to her about it then." Our daughter was in her bedroom still just making a mess. I guess we bought her too much paint.

Here is another photo from my boat ride last weekend. I wasn't going to, but I think I'll add this to my Flathead Lake photos on the side bar as it meets the sky land lake criteria, plus it will add a little contrast to that group.

I retain all rights to my photos.  Please do not use any of my photos without permission.


  1. I am glad that I don't remember any of my dreams.

    Beautiful photo.

  2. Thanks! I just floated around in the center of the bay for a couple of hours. I had the whole place to myself.

    I love dreaming, as long as I don't have a bear chasing me.

  3. Wow. That is an awesome photo.

    I had a weird dream last night where my hair was going grey. And I thought that my hair was going grey because it was stressful living in the city.

    I need to not call my mom before I go to sleep (she's a chronic worrier).

  4. Thanks Diane. There was so much movement on the boat that it was hard to compose and get things in focus with the point and shoot. It's an impression of how the lake and sky were anyway.

    That's funny about your dream.
