Sunday, November 18, 2007

Before it got dark

I spent a few days up in the woods at hunting camp. It would rain during the day and then clear off and freeze at night. I left camp tonight as I have to go back to work in the morning. The guys are still up there, and it is going to snow tonight. I'm sure they are all bedded down right now and sawing logs as I write this. The sky was always grey the whole weekend and it was cold and damp. The moon and stars came out but the sun never did. I took this picture tonight before it got dark.

My hunting season is over.


  1. This looks like the mountains that provide the background for the "Cold Mountain" book cover!

  2. I've been trying to get a shot from above camp of the distant mountains like this but when I do the foreground is always dark. This time it worked out for the better.

    Our camp is just to the left if you follow that dark ridge down. (sort of) Beyond all of those distant mountains is my house somewhere 80 miles away. It was kind of a long drive last night as I had to drive 10 miles or so just to get out of the forest.
