Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sh** going on

One time, on another blog, someone complained about someone else saying they couldn't or didn't write because they had some sh** going on in their life and they didn't explain what it was. I can understand someone having a problem with someone else saying that. I wouldn't do that but I want you to know that I do have some sh** going on. I'm going to leave it at that at least for now. If my blog doesn't seem the same then just know that this is why. I have some sh** going on.

We all have sh** going on from time to time. I think it's normal. And sh** for the most part isn't good. It's some bad sh** man. But we'll work through it. Wish us well.


  1. Whatever you may have going on, you'll get through it.

  2. Hope your sh** goes away, quickly.

    Best wishes!

  3. Thanks you guys.

  4. I hope that everything will turn out OK too. Take care.

  5. Thank you Diane.
