Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Not the subscriber

It's strange. I was kind of in a news vacuum every morning while I was in Montana. They are in Mountain time and I'm in Pacific time. You'd think that that one hour wouldn't make any difference but it does. By the time I got up any news that might have been on TV was over. Public radio over there is different too and that is a reliable source for national and local news for me here every morning, but over there I couldn't hook up with it. While I was in Montana it was like there was no news in the morning.

The paper wasn't any better. The Missoulian was like this little leaflet. I remember one day when I saw it I thought, Is this the paper? They make up for it on Sunday however and give you way more paper than you ever want to look at. I think it would be better if they gave you equal amounts of paper each day and not all of it on Sunday, but then I'm not the one who decides. I'm not the decider, and I'm not the subscriber. My mom is the subscriber. Each day I took her paper to her while she was in hospital. I found out that my mom doesn't really care about the national news in the paper. She glances at the regional news, but what she really takes the paper for is one puzzle. (?)

I hate puzzles. I don't mind problem solving, but don't want to do it without a good reason. I got most of my news on line while I was in Montana.


  1. Local papers are interesting. Guess, that is all I have to say.

  2. My coffee buddy and I go through the discarded newspaper rack at the cafe we go to and look for the horoscopes.

    Not that they give much insight into our lives, but it's kind of fun and totally worth the price we paid for it! ;)

  3. I've never taken any paper. The closest I've ever come to getting a paper was while I was staying in Park City and they gave me USA Today every morning, so I did look through that.

    I've never liked how paper carriers were treated as workers by the newspapers.
