Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some things never change

Yesterday morning I was outside shoveling snow off of the sidewalk. The local TV news reminded everyone that if you don't clear the snow by 9:30 am, the city can send someone out to do it and charge you for it. I'm not sure if they do that or not, but everyone seems to go out to shovel, and the neighbor guys usually shovel for my mom before I get to it. Anway, across the street and down the block a ways there were two kids, both boys and probably brothers. The little one was probably about 10. He had a winter coat on with a hood up. He was so bundled up that his arms kind of stuck out to the sides. It was his gesture of just standing there in his coat that caught my attention. While I was watching, the bigger kid who was probably about 12 took a handful of snow and was holding it as if to show the little kid something. Then the big kid just washed the little kid's face in the snow. The little kid didn't fight it. His arms never moved. When his face washing was over he just turned around and trotted back to the door of their house and went inside. His arms in the same position the whole time. Then the big kid stood there looking at the door like,.. will I get in trouble now?

I got a kick out of that. :)


  1. Kids are so funny!

    Although I'm sure it wasn't fun getting a face washing in the snow.

    Maybe they could market that in California though as some sort of beauty regimen. . . .

  2. It reminded me of a Farside cartoon.

  3. I can't help but smile any time I see a little kid all bundled up like you describe. I never understood the way some mom's wrap up their kids' faces in scarves. Is there a worse feeling than a wet, icy scarf rubbing against your chin?

  4. Yes,.. a cold handful of snow rubbing against your chin. :)
