Tuesday, January 15, 2008

When all is said and done

I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't like the saying "at the end of the day". It's getting pretty worn out. I always think that at the end of the day comes the night and then yet another day. Then what? They could say at the end of tomorrow, and cover two days that way. They might say at the end of the week instead or at the end of the month, or even at the end of the year, but it might be the last day of the week, month or year and the same as saying at the end of the day.

When all is said and done, I don't like it when people say "at the end of the day".


  1. It's kind of a comforting colloquialism though. It's much nicer sounding than "No matter what happens, there's nothing you can do to change the outcome of X situation."

    Maybe we can come up with a better colloquialism, one that is both comforting and yet not irritating.

  2. I think it should be at end of the week then. That gives you the whole weekend to forget about what was said.

  3. I hate it when people say "and whatnot." The other day my boss said "by the by" which was odd because my boss is in his 30's. The last time I heard "by the by" I think my Grandpa said it. Funny how some old sayings are comforting and others are annoying.

  4. I don't like "it could be worse" - yeah I know it could be, but xyz that I am dealing with is pretty crappy!

  5. I agree WP. And whatnot bothers me too. It's so midwestern. And if there's something I can't stand, it's things midwestern. (Just kidding)

    Actually it doesn't bother me if someone says and whatnot, but I don't like it if they write it.

    But Megan,.. I love saying it could be worse! And it could be worse,.. We could all have chronic dandruff and insist on wearing black clothes. :)

    I really don't like it when people say yada yada yada. My ex-girlfriend Jane used to say that all the time and it really irked me. I have no problem with bla bla bla.
