Sunday, February 24, 2008

Idaho day

It was an Idaho day on the mountain Saturday :) but I went skiing anyway as I'm not getting many chances. I decided to stay home today as it looks to be even more of an Idaho day today! You can't see a thing when you ski. No horizon, no snow, nothing. It makes my head swim, and racing in conditions like this is somewhat surreal but the gates give you a reference point.

So I went and watched the racing and took a few photos. There was a hold on the course as one of the women from Big Mountain fell and had to be removed by the ski patrol.

This is one of the guys I ski with so I took a picture of his start and then took his warmups and pack down for him. (Now which gate are you supposed to go around?..)

The slalom is today and I'd been wanting to do that, but there are no training runs (which I would desperately need) and with the weather such as it is, I decided to stay home and clean out my cage.

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