Saturday, May 03, 2008

Evil grouse

I went skiing and was attacked by a vicious PTARMIGAN . I tried to ski away but it chased me down and bit me!
(photo credit, Roger. I handed my camera off to him so he could capture my last moments)

It was an evil grouse in a fowl mood.

After it attacked me, it brought down a kid on a snowboard many times its own size.

I was thinking,.. They could make a new movie like The Birds. Except it could be at a ski resort in the winter, and vicious ptarmigans could run out of the woods and attack unsuspecting skiiers and snowboarders. Instead of The Birds, it could be called THE GROUSE. People would flock to see it...

Just kidding. It must have had a nest somewhere it was protecting.


  1. My vote is still for "Attack of the Ptarmigan"!

    Or better yet. . . . .

    a new Samuel L. Jackson movie called "Ptarmigan at a Ski Resort"!

  2. Attack of the (Killer) Ptarmigan!
