Monday, June 23, 2008

One of those days

I went out on the lake last night with my little skiff to take some snaps, view wildlife and watch another day come to an end. This is what it looked like in Dayton Bay.

It was one of those days. First I replaced a hot water tank heating element. That was fun. Then when I tried to turn the pump on, nothing. That sucked. (or didn't suck depending on how you look at it) So I ended up tearing the whole thing apart, and I'm really not much of a plumber, but I'm learning.

The sun started going down and it was time for me to take my skiff out ( which I named Aunt Gertrude after my deceased aunt who used to have a place here, and this is off point but I think I'll name all of my future boats after my aunts, but I have to wait until they die) Anyway I jumped on Aunt Gertrude and took off with neighbors watching. I was going along several hundred yards off of shore RRRRRRRRRR and then the old outboard motor konked out. I could see people on shore with fires going. Now I was the entertainment. I tried over and over to start it. The wind was blowing me out and away from my place. Finally I realized the gas line wasn't hooked up. Aunt Gertrude came back to life and off we went together.... (into the sunset)


  1. That is a photo worth saving . . .if the original file is large enough you should make posters of that.

  2. I don't know Diane, I was goofing around with the exposure compensation when I took that. That picture doesn't look very good on some monitors, although it looked ok on the camera.
