Thursday, September 11, 2008

This bites

I finally got home after a long day at work and also after work. I looked around and got lost on the internet a little. Had Ugly Betty going on the TV. First time I've ever "watched" that program. It really wasn't that bad. Mindless. I can relate to that... Then I checked out the other programs that I could possibly watch. There was this one on Discovery called "I Was Bitten". An examination of animal bites...

On the subject of biting, not long ago I watched a show on BBC America called "Brittan's Worst Teeth". It was a show about these people who had really bad dental health... My gosh. And I watched it! They pulled several of this one guys teeth out. I even talked about it with my dental hygienist the last time I went in. She said that she saw it listed and wanted to watch it but missed it,.. so I told her about it.


  1. That BBC show sounds interesting! Not sure if I'd want to watch it though!
