Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coeur d'Alene river

Here's a picture I took along the Coeur d'Alene River in north Idaho a couple of weeks ago. You can sort of see the fall colors through the morning fog. Click to see bigger.


  1. Wow! I love this photo!

    Any chance I can get a high-quality one?

    Have you thought about getting an account on Deviant Art and selling prints of your stuff?

  2. This picture looks a lot better on my new Samsung screen and new system at work than it does on my laptop. A lot of color is lost to this laptop screen. Next time I buy a computer it will be more of a priority.

    That Samsung is one of the best things about going to work :)

    I'm glad you liked the picture. You've got it. Like I said I wasn't crazy about that set.
