Monday, March 23, 2009

Christian American

Another bumper sticker from North Idaho.

The best one I've seen recently but couldn't get a snap of read: "Lord, help me to be half the person my dog thinks I am."


  1. LOL.. thanks for the giggle, Don!

  2. :)

    If I had a dog, I would want to be half the person my dog thought I was too! Dogs think a lot of their owners. . . I wonder if they are ever disappointed.

  3. It would be my luck to get a dog that would only see me for half of what I am...

    In that case, if I was half the person my dog thought I was, I'd be a quarter of the person..

  4. Aw!

    But you're not a quarter of a person! You are one full person! :)

  5. I'm a dogless person.
