Friday, March 13, 2009

Daylight savings time

There are two kinds of people. People who think daylight savings time is a good idea and people who don't. I haven't met too many people who think it's a good idea. So If I were president, I'd introduce legislation that would split the difference by a half hour and leave the time alone after that.


  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I SOooooo AGREE!!!

  2. We need to start a movement... Daylight savings time reform. :)

    Perhaps it would give John McCain something productive to do. (instead always wanting to cut funding for science in the form of grizzly bear study in Montana, something that really irks me about McCain)

    On the other hand, McCain is from Arizona, and from what I understand they are daylight savings time deniers.

  3. s-m-a-r-t man. Wow. how come nobody's ever come up with that one before?!

  4. Well, it's kind of an old idea, like cutting the baby in half. Perhaps then nobody is happy, but it might just work with daylight savings time.

  5. What a great idea! :)

    I do not understand at all why we even go through the motions with it twice a year. Think of all the lost productivity!

  6. I think I've heard all the arguments for it, energy savings, kids not walking to school in the dark...

    Loss of productivity is a good one against it. Plus I don't think it's that healthy for people.
