Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Church on credit

I was talking to someone I know about going to church this Easter. She grew up on a farm in Kansas. So she likes traditional things as do I. Especially when it comes to church.

There's this whole new church thing going on around here. Mega style rock and roll church. Cowboy church. Wear your visor cap while you drink coffee church, you name it. She can't relate to that and wants a traditional service. There's a lot of people who feel this way. People have to decied which church is right for them, just like they do with their medication.

A light bulb went on in my head. So I directed her to a traditional church that I've gone to with an organ, bell ringers, hymnal... If I can get her to go, it would be like buying carbon credits and I won't have to go..

And I wonder if the pastors get any hecklers at the rock and roll church when the sermon isn't going over very well? "Dude!.. Know any Deuteronomy?!" "Let's hear some Proverbs man!"

Ok I think I'm pushing my luck here..., but church has become such a consumer item, like everything else. Talk to your pastor about which service is right for you.


  1. LOL... you crack me up, Don!! Credits!! Hahaha!! I think you only get those when you are sure she's going weekly... better be safe than sorry, still go like once a month or so!

    I like music in church, but I like the traditional feel more. Nothing beats a good gospel/chior number!

  2. Hehe. . . I don't think pastors at rock-and-roll churches get many hecklers. . . .but that would be funny!

    I think the more modern, hip churches have their place. If it draws people in and those people can learn something from church then it has value.

    However I prefer traditional services. There is just something really nice about listening to old hymns. Especially if they're accompanied by an organ.

  3. Jane used to take me to a rock style church.

    If going to church is so you can feel the suffering, then rock style churches do that very well for me.

    I think I'm with you Diane, I'm a little old fashioned, although I like the gospel. I'm down with that bad music. :)

  4. That's funny. Not sure if it works that way though, how are your telekinesis skills.;0)

    I'm with you about tradition. There's just something about a traditional service. Anything else would feel phony.

  5. My telemark ski skills aren't bad actually :)

    (sorry Vixey I couldn't resist)

    Well I can get down the mountain without killing myself anyway..
