Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sailing on Flathead Lake

I had my first sailing of the summer on Flathead Lake over the weekend. It was pretty good as nobody was on Big Arm Bay. There was a lot of pine pollen in the water and I love that as it reminds me of my youth. There was also a lot of drift wood. Here's a picture of what I saw looking forward of the Hobie Cat with Chief Cliff in the distance.

Here's a picture looking up at the rig. You can see that my mainsail isn't downhauled enough causing the horizontal wrinkles. I have a hard time downhauling the main with my new sails. Plus I started pointing up into the wind as I took this pic causing the tell tails to flutter up. (the little ribbon in front of the triangle on the sail) It should be flying straight back if the sail is in proper trim.

Here's a picture looking aft with Big Arm in the distance. There wasn't much wind but I was moving right along on my Hobie 16. Hobie Cats are much faster than other sailboats and it makes them really fun to sail. Plus you can blow by very wealthy people in expensive yachts. That makes me feel good as I only spent $500 for my old Hobie. :)


  1. Look at those new white sails!

  2. They work great! and you get a little more sun with them too.

  3. Hot dog we saw you down there as we drove past. We were up at West Shore. Lookin' good!

  4. I pretty much had the whole bay to myself!

    I keep expecting to see a red sailing canoe out there!

  5. Oh that beautiful blue water! Makes me wanna jump right in. :o)Sounds like you had a nice time.

  6. You would jump and shout! That water is super cold right now.

  7. I think the best part about those photos for me is the feeling of freedom and fun they scream out. You may have said before, but who taught you to sail..?

  8. The neighbor Mr. C taught me to sail in a sailing canoe.
