Friday, May 20, 2011

End times

If tomorrow is the last day on earth,as some are saying, then I'm going to be a little upset that I went to work today.. Well if I get sent to hell tomorrow at least I won't have to go back to work on Monday..

And with all of this "modern" music in church these days I think more than a few people are going to be disappointed when they get to heaven and have to sit and listen to harp music for eternity.. Cause there aint no electric guitars in heaven my friends..

Hey, that could be a country and western song!..

There aint no guitars in heaven..
Don't let them tell you there is..
If you want to crank up the volume..
Get off that that no fly list..

Um.. or something like that.. maybe it should be get ON the that no fly list..


It's Monday... Stan says there's accordion music in hell so I guess I'm just back at work..


  1. Why is the last day on earth not the same as the end of the world? The world won't end until October 21, 2011... what's the point in keeping it going if there's nobody here to enjoy it.

    I'm happy I'll get to spend the last day on earth with the man I love. I hope we both go to the same place so we get to stay together.. if not, I wonder if they do skype from Heaven and Hell?

  2. The end of the world is in October because summer is just about to start and God might want to have the golf courses to himself for a while. Might want to play a few rounds with former president Nixon.. They might even include Billy Graham if he isn't on the no fly list.

    There iseth no skypeth in heaven..

  3. **giggles**

    You're just a plain good ol' star, you know that? Wow.. what an inspiring song ;)

  4. Well, thank yee.

  5. LOL!!! Subtle...

  6. Ha! I actually think you could make that song work.. with a little tweaking. :) Good ole' Mr. Camping needs to be handed another can of Ensure so he can continue to keep his finger on the pulse of the Apocalypse... once more time.

  7. I think he's keeping his finger on the purse of the Apocalypse..
