Friday, June 06, 2014

Back in black

Blackberry that is.. Don't get me wrong,. I do like my Samsung tablet, but I could never warm up to the phone without a physical keyboard on it.  I do a lot of texting and the hunt and peck method on the touch screen just didn't work for me.  It was actually frustrating and made me feel like one of those people who never learn to type.

My thumbs know where the keys are on the Blackberry without looking for the most part.  Just like regular typing the words flow out effortlessly and it's a good feeling.  Not so on the touch screen with the Samsung.  I had to hunt and peck with my index finger.  I'd slowley hit the wrong keys and spend most of my time correcting mistakes.  Sometimes I'd just say to heck with it and not send the text.  I suffered with that for long enough.  I tried the option where you drag your fingers along and all of that other crap, and I don't want to talk text as I don't want the whole world hearing what I'm texting.  The keyboard kept turning if I didn't hold the thing straight.  I do admit that the online experience was better on the Samsung but it wasn't something I used very much.

I thought the track pad on the Blackberry had failed.  That was why I got the Samsung in the first place as my service no longer had Blackberry.  Very sad.. so I went in hunt for a place that could fix mine.  I charged the battery and the phone worked.  I'm not sure if it got wet when I took it skiing or not, but now it works and I'm back in black.  


  1. Nice! I also use a blackberry, wt I hate most in tabs is holding it straight so d screen doesn't get to turn!

  2. It's so awesome that you're happy with your phone again.. I was worried you'd start to be turned off texting forever! We can't have that, now can we!! :*

  3. big relief to get the blackberry back!
