Monday, September 22, 2014

Fishing boat on Flathead Lake

Fishing Boat on Flathead Lake
I took this picture yesterday morning of a fishing boat on Flathead Lake.  When I was a kid I had a little wooden fishing boat with a five horse motor and my dad just turned me loose with it.  I guess he figured he could track me down if he had to.  I spent many mornings cruising along just like this guy, and I always managed to make it back safely.  Sometimes I returned with a few fish in the boat too, and that's what Dad wanted.

Click on the picture to see it large it's much better that way. I reserve all rights to my photography.


  1. I can't imagine letting our boy loose on a lake in a boat with an engine by himself... your dad must have really had a lot of faith in you. Either that or you were just a really mature kid.

    Wonderful photo!

  2. I guess with the lake the risk was known. It is a very big lake though.

  3. I think it is cool he let you just wander. It's a time honored tradition - messing about in boats. However, I'm with J, I'm not sure I would have let my boys do that.. :) Lovely scene.

  4. If nothing else I developed solid boating skills as a kid. Always having a doable plan B to get to shore if something goes wrong.
