Saturday, December 07, 2024

You aren't who you think you are

So I have to just say, I'm kind of lucky to just be here.  And let me say this, it's nice to be able to just type something and not be on my stupid phone.  I hate my phone.  I loved my Blackberry as I got used to the keyboard and could use my thumbs and not even look at it.  The screen thing and even the talk to text is so mindless and I can't express myself without difficulty..

This is a bit off point.. Not that I have any points that matter.  Nothing we do in this life really matters. If you really think it does then you have some sort of a hangup.  I've come to the conclusion that if you really are free you don't have any hangups.  It's the test for how free you really are. I look at people and the situations they get in and define it in terms of hangups  It's pretty easy to see.  It could be something as simple as how you identify yourself or how you see yourself.  These things change.  Everything changes.

I remember thinking I'm this or that. Artist or musician, but honestly it's such a small idea of what I really am and frankly it doesn't matter.  Nobody cares.  Even if I were the most famous artist or Musician in the greater scheme of things it doesn't matter. 

The only things that matters are the people you care about and love.  That's it.  So don't get hung up on who you think you are. you aren't who you think you are.



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