Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Other people's dogs

I've started a new section on my side bar called Other People's Dogs. I will be doing written and photo essays of other people's dogs. I've been told that I NEED A DOG , but I don't really want a dog.

Click on the Other people's dog label / link below to see other people's dogs. Woof woof.


  1. The "When are going to get a dog?" question is kind of like the "When are you getting married and having kids?" question. Just absolutely annoying. I usually tell me people when I'm ready. If they keep pestering me, I tell them never.

  2. Ha ha ha! I love it, the kid dog thing.

  3. :)

    I like the kid-dog thing too!

    I get the married-and-having-kids question a lot. :(

  4. I just get the dog question. :)

  5. Buy a leash, tie it to a tree and tell everyone your dog ran away and you can't possibly think of replacing it because you are so heartbroken.

    (I normally don't recommend being dishonest, but "You need a dog" sounds a little misleading.)

  6. Good to hear from you WP! Yes you are probably right, what she really meant to say to me is "you need a life!" (and a dog)
