Saturday, October 24, 2009

The great pumpkin

My neighbor drove by with a pumpkin in tow, so I chased him down to get a snap.

I like this guy's style.


  1. Pretty darn amusing. He's got me beat with pumpkin size!

  2. I haven't figured out where he was going with it..

  3. Woah... I'm surprised he didn't tell you to hop on back so you could help him lift it when he got where he was going!!

  4. He must have had a plan for unloading it.

  5. Now that's a pumpkin! I grew some in my garden this year too but none of them got that big. It sure would make a great Jack-o-Lantern (or several pies. lol).

  6. He must give his pumpkins growth hormone or something. There's got to be some trick to it.

    I can't grow anything. I did grow some tomatoes this year though. If they gave a prize for smallest tomato I'd win.

  7. Aw! You should try growing pumpkins next year! ;)

    That pumpkin is going to make one hell of a jack-o-lantern!

  8. I'm really not very good at growing things. There are millions of pumpkinds around here, so I can just wait until halloween is over and get a good deal...

  9. Imagine the seeds that thing has! I read somewhere that some pumpkin growers use milk to get the size they want for competitions. Eeewww.

  10. So that's the secret! I wonder if it works on tomatoes?...
