Thursday, July 31, 2008
The most beautiful woman
"I see you like vegetables,.." "I like vegetables too but I really don't know that much about them,..." "What,.a,. vegetables would you recommend?.."
I can see that I'm getting nowhere with her in my imaginary conversation, so I try something different. "I write about vegetables,.." I say with confidence,.. "Yes,.. I've recently written about rhubarb,.." "I grow my own,.." I continue, "Some people buy rhubarb but I grow it." I say trying to look modest about it,.. "I'm quite good at it actually,.." "Perhaps you'd like to come to my place and check out my rhubarb,.."
That's not working so I start wishing that a small accident would happen to her so I could come to the rescue. Like the pile of bananas would fall over and she'd slip and fall on a banana peel and bump her head. She'd wake up looking into my eyes and forget that I wasn't her boyfriend. "Who are you?" she'd ask. "I'm your boyfriend Brad, remember?,.. Brad Pitt,.. but everyone calls me don,.."
I snap out of my daydream, look around and she's gone. Doesn't like rhubarb I guess.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cromwell Island and Dayton Bay
And your bird can sing
He's kind of a gifted bird in the tweet department and I think he knows it. His voice stands out over all of the other birds, and he works harder at it than all of the other birds do. So we named him Caruso, after Enrico Caruso. It seemed a fitting name. There's no sleeping in late with the windows open if Caruso's around. (He's always around...) The problem is that he only knows one song,.. Or could it be that we just don't understand his bird language?
Perhaps he sings;
When your bird is broken, will it bring you down? You may be awoken,.. I'll be around,.. I'll be around.
You tell me that you've heard every song there is, and your bird can swing, but you can't hear me,.. you can't hear,.. me.
I hope Caruso finds a chick... Soon...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
LDS Missionaries

Anyway I thanked them for being good sports and posing for my camera. I really do wish them well on their journey.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Strawberry rhubarb pie
First she had me clean my rhubarb and cut it into about 1 inch sections. You just need enough to fill the pie pan and a little more as it cooks down. I also cleaned and quartered about a cup of strawberries. You combine those in a pot with 1 cup of sugar, 2 tbl spoons of corn starch, 1 tbl spoon of butter, and a little water in the bottom of the pan. You don't need much water as the rhubarb has a lot of water in it. Then cook that down on the stove top and then let it cool.
You make the crust while that is cooking and cooling. You need 3x flour to shortening. (About 2 cups of flour and we used Crisco for the shortening). A dash of salt and 1 tbl spoon of sugar. Smash that together in a bowl with a pie cutter, or we used a potato smasher. Then after it is all smashed together, you kind of grate it between your fingers until it is all consistent. It's hard to explain this but it's kind of like having your hands together with fingers flat and rubbing them back and forth lightly sifting the mixture between your fingers. You do that until it is all the same with no clumps. Then you add just a little cold water. Like 1/4 cup. And mix that all in. Then split it in half and roll the first half out for the bottom of the pie, and then roll the other half out for the top.
Fill the pie with the cool filling, put the top on and seal it all the way around. (I suck at this part as you can see) Poke some holes in it and then bake @ 425 for 20 min. Then reduce heat to 350 and bake for another 30 min.
I guess you can skip the cooking down the filling part and just put those ingredients in the pie crust but it most likely will boil over in the oven and make a mess.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sailing the Hobie with Lizzie

Thursday, July 17, 2008
The dentist office
I really don't see any reason for the office staff to wear these dental/ medical shirts/ smocks. That stresses me out. And they have these cute things on them like teddy bears and stuff. I wish they just wore normal office clothes. It's like every one of them is going to jump out from behind the counter and give me anesthetic or something. Oh this won't hurt,..See the teddy bear? And they come and go behind the counter, glance at you and then leave. Like look at that one... He looks like he could really have some bad teeth...
Now and then you can see the dentist going back and forth from one patient to the next in the hallway behind the desk. And you hear this beep that causes him to go back and forth. It's like EMERGENCY CHAIR 1, THE ANESTHETIC IS WEARING OFF! Beep! THE PULP CAP IS COMING OFF CHAIR 4! Beep!
Every time I hear the beep my mind races. I imagine all of the possible dental emergency situations. It's not a nice smooth "bing" It's more like "BZEEEP"! It's alarming.
I'm sitting there trying not to imagine what's going on back there. Trying to focus on the magazines despite hearing neumatic drilling sounds, and these must be magazines that the dentist subscribes to. Furniture like Donald Trump would own. Does the dentist have furniture like this in his mansion I wonder? Private Pilot,.. upgrade the avionics in your Cessna 150,.. National Review,.. Is my dentist a republican!..
Then they take me into the back. There's like an incoming door and an out going door. They don't want you to run into the people coming out, but people coming out still egress into the waiting room while you are sitting there so I don't see the point. You feel their pain. They ought to have them go out the back or something...
I go in the incoming door. It's the good door,.. the kinder gentler door. They sit me down in one of the stalls, I can hear what's going on in the next stall. "And how old are you?" "Eleven" the little girl says. "Well we have a cavity here and we're going to have to wiggle a couple of these loose ones out.",.. My gosh! I think. I hope that isn't the case with me!
I look around. Posters of rotten teeth,.. periodontal disease,.. A big plastic tooth that is split in half with cavities on it that you can see in cross-section,.. My attendant comes in and the first thing she does is take my blood pressure,... 700 over 500. Heart rate of 300,.. "I'm stressed out." I try to explain,.. She looks at me with suspicion.
Then she covers my body with a lead blanket and exposes my head/ brain to radiation,.. Not once, but 4 times!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Bike ride along the Spokane River
Friday, July 11, 2008
Bicycle therapy

Here's a picture of my therapist. I've been in therapy for years.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Doping in the Tour de France
But there are many skeletons hanging in the closet. For instance, tonight they showed a piece from the 96 tour in which Bjarne Riis won and brought an end to Miguel Indurain's winning streak, with the help of Jan Ullrich. 1996 was when I got into following along with the tour. And recently we found out that Riis admitted to doping and it was most likely a big reason he won. Yet they showed this film about Indurain loosing to Riis and only at the end of it did they add that Riis admitted. It was like all of this great racing happened,... (oh and Riis admitted doping, like all of us insiders knew it all along) And now they try to put this spin on the whole thing like there are a few bad apples and now things are changing, and perhaps they are.
In the years since 96, Pantani won a tour, and then came the Armstrong dynasty, and his teammates, Andreu admitted, Heras caught, Hamilton caught, Landis caught. After the whole Riis, Ullrich, Zabel Team Telecom thing. I really have to wonder. The interesting thing about Riis admitting was that he really didn't have to do it. Public pressure finally got to him, but the insiders always knew, and he just got to the point that he couldn't live with it. I admire him for coming clean, yet he has taken something away from the sport and someone else who might have won and won't get another chance.
Well I don't know what it is about me. I'd just like to get to the bottom of it. I feel like I've been cheated I guess. But for me to have a problem with Riis ending Indurain's winning streak I'd have to know that Indurain was clean. Who knows? I'm not ready to move beyond it just yet. I think the only way to be good with anything that has happend in the last decade is to assume that everyone was doping. And clearly I think that the insiders just might know something that the rest of us don't. It will be a while before we can really take it all seriously.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Craigslist Idaho
it an stereo with a record player on top and you an record it onto tapes.. its nice and works but i jsut don't use it anymore. if interested make an offer cuz i have no idaho what its worht.
I should talk,... :)
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Greg Lemond on the tour
So now this year Versus network has been promoting drug free stories with regard to the tour. Lots of "human interest" stories now have to do with anti-doping. Tonight they even brought in Greg Lemond to talk for a few minutes. I wrote about the conflict between Trek and Lemond, which I sort of view as an Armstrong vs Lemond conflict. Trek bikes dropped the Lemond brand as you can read here HERE . I thought it was kind of short sighted of Trek to be very honest.
I could tell that Greg Lemond chose his words very carefully. I don't blame him. I feel the same way just talking about it. This year without Astana in the Tour I found it hard to get too interested at first, but now the Tour is on and it's pretty exciting once again. A story left to be told. I just hope there isn't another big drug scandal. I'd worry that they would just take it off of TV here in the states. I was kind of worried that they were building too much up around Armstrong and when he retired they would drop it just because he was no longer racing.
I suspect the Landis scandal actually brought interest to the sport, but something positive has to happen for cycling now,... other than a drug test.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Mosquito bite