UPDATE 6-17-11
Well well well.. The Missoulian reported that the codger (sportsman as the Missoulian called him) who owns Cromwell Island has groped one of his nurses.. According to the report when she told him not to do it again he reportedly said he could do anything he wanted because it was on his airplane.. Good Grief..
This is what I was getting at in the post below. Gone are the days of modesty and decency. I liked what one Missoulian commenter said:
This man is not in a nursing home and not senile. His comments make it pretty clear that his mind is working just fine. He's a rich pr##k with a major entitlement problem. I'd sue his #### to.
UPDATE: 1-12-12
The codger was sentenced to 180 days of probation, 30 days of home confinement, 60 hours of community service at the humane society, received a $5000 fine and had to pay $431.25 in restitution and issue a letter of apology.
His republican Nevada state senator friend among others issued letters of support... (one of them describing him as a "stately gentel man"..)
After all, care givers are pretty much just servants right..
Hey, I wonder if he knows Haley Barbour..?
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