The first concert I ever went to other than orchestra or symphony and that sort of thing was Earl Scruggs. My old man took me to it, and it left a pretty big impression on me. My old man used to play the old time music on the banjo and I backed him up on mandolin and later guitar. I played sister's classical guitar actually as it was the only guitar we had in the house. Even though she had that guitar she never learned to play and I think Dad must have forced her to let me use it. I recently bought it from her after all of these years since it was the first guitar I ever played, I missed it.
Even though I ended up going in different musical directions after that, when I hear Earl Scruggs I always think of my old man and going to that concert. I remember it like it was yesterday. Here's an old pic of me playing my sister's guitar with my old man. Um.. Don't mind the hair..
I stopped at Seepay Creek in Montana today as it's one of my favorite places to stop along that stretch. The sun started to peek out so I decided to wander around with the camera even though I was sort of in a hurry as usual. I think Ponderosa Pine trees are my favorite trees to take pictures of. There's just so much texture in and around them. And what's a Montana photo without a few old tires here and there? It's almost as if they morph from trash into an artifact in places like this. I'll go up to tires like this, check the size, and speculate as to what vehicle they might have been on back in the day., and what was the mindset of the person who stopped here and threw them out.. curious..
Well a tire is one thing, but I can't feel quite as nostalgic about the other trash that was near..