Well I've been working on the vintage Aristocrat travel trailer to get it ready for summer camping. The previous owner had removed the awning that covers the front windows. It protects the windows from rocks on the highway and provides shade when camping. Plus they just look cool and the Aristocrat looked naked without it because trailers this vintage usually had them. Anyway the awning came in pieces with the trailer. So I managed to find all of the pieces, clean the years of grime off of the fiberglass pieces and figure out how it all went back together. I still have to get a few sheet metal screws for that. The picture above shows the awning closed, and below it is open.
Next I need to work on the truck side of my lighting issues. I think I have a bad ground somewhere in my truck connector as I get very weak lights on my boat trailer as well and I don't have this problem with the other tow vehicle, so I'm going to take apart and solder all of those connections. Then I need to figure out the wiring situation inside the trailer. The interior lights work but I don't understand how the running and tail lights are hooked up or how the RV battery plays in. I might even have to take this in to someone to reslove this but I'll try myself first.