In my dream I was up on a grassy side hill in Montana not far from an old landfill. I drove off of the highway, got out of my truck, opened a gate and went down a dirt road. Then I noticed a lanky black bear running along not far up the hill. I thought, Perhaps it will stay away from me. After I got around the hill I got out of the truck. Then here came the bear running at me. So took my rifle out of the truck and shot it in the head.
I returned to the cabin. My dad was there. I told him about the bear. Then we went to another small cabin where there was an attractive woman with red hair. She had a dog with short dark brown almost black hair. The dog was really big and looked like a greyhound, and had a long pointed nose. Dad told me to tell the woman about shooting the bear. "She doesn't want to hear about that." I said. "Go on and tell her." he said. So She looked at me and smiled and I started to tell her about the bear. While I was talking she turned and walked into her small cabin that had red barn paint on it and the dog came out and sat down and looked at me. So I just kept telling the story about the bear to the dog. It looked at me and then turned and went into the cabin and the woman came back out and I finished telling the story of shooting the bear to the woman.
Then we went into the cabin. I sat down on the sofa and my dad sat down on an easy chair. I noticed my aunt was sitting on the sofa next to me. Then people appeared standing around with drinks in their hands as if it were a party. I noticed that they all had ski jackets on. Then I noticed that I had my ski jacket on and I had torn the sleeve. I kept looking at my sleeve to see how bad the tear was and if it could be repaired. The people would disappear and and re-appear. And that was the end of my dream.
That's much more interesting than the last dream I remember.
It was a weird threesome with Angelina Jolie and some other woman.
I know. I never knew I had it in me.
I think we should trade. :)
Ok,.. I'll trade you the bear for Jolie, and that's my final offer.
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