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Wolf People part II
Tonight public TV had a local show called Northwest Profiles. One of the pieces was about a place in North Idaho that I wrote about HERE called Wolf People. They have 16 wolves. The white wolf I took a photo of on my post was featured in the TV show. It's a big animal, in compairison to many dogs that I've seen including the wolf hybrids that my neighbors have. I'm not sure if all wolves are this big however. I think they are really cool but it would be hard to have one in town. I'd trust one more than a pit bull. I don't trust those things at all depsite what people say about them. They feed these wolves raw meat. Not sure if they can eat regular dog food. Anyway now I do want to stop in there and get a T shirt.
Definitely get a t-shirt! :D
My wolf hybrid wasn't that big, and I thought she had more wolf qualities than dog qualities. At the shoulder she was probably about the size of a golden retriever, but she was long and skinny.
I think wolves and wolf hybrids make good pets; people forget that wolves are pack animals at heart and that they'll readily adopt a family to be part of a "pack". If they're well socialized, they shouldn't have a problem with visitors or new comers either. They're very devoted pets.
My wolf hybrid ate dog food; I'm not sure if pure wolves would eat dog food or not.
I was cycling on the trail the other day and I came up on a young couple from behind who both had pit bulls. I never know if those things are going to give chase. They are becoming really popular here. One of them attacked a horse not long ago and they had to put the horse down. It was just an old horse standing in a field.
As an owner of a pit bull/lab mix that adopted me, I try not to judge the dog by its breed.
I never would have picked out a pit bull. But now I cannot imagine not having Brown Dog.
After reading your post Don, that reminds of the movie American Flyers where Marcus and David go out for a training ride and the pit bull chases them!
My ex-girlfriend, Jane had a doberman, and that dog freaked me out at first but we became good friends. But I don't trust them either unless I know they have been well trained and know the individual dog. I've been around a few different dobermans.
Jane's doberman had a brother that was just unpredictable. Even Jane didn't trust it. Only one person could deal with it. It was just mean. I guess it depends on the animal and the owner.
I'm sure Brown Dog is a very nice dog. I do think pit bulls are beautiful animals.
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