I love classical music, but with any type of music, I don't like it all. I'm picky that way. My idea of going to a concert on a date is going to the symphony. Who knows, perhaps I'll get to do that again. I can't let this day end without saying something about Pavarotti, or at least classical music. I never cared much for tenors. I don't know what it is about that voice I don't care for. I wouldn't mind being able to sing like that however. I'd go around Tra la la boom de ay! :) Just kidding, I don't know the real words. Over time I have grown to even like tenors.
When I was a kid I paid my dues behind the music stand. Took piano and then went into orchestra and sawed away on a violin. Here is a photo of me in a grade school orchestra. (you won't see too many photos of don on bicycle log) I think this was the intermediate one but I did make my way into advanced orchestra. The girls in there were really cute as you can see in this photo. But cute as they were, they would kill you if possible, and feed on your blood. Every week you fought to keep your chair as one of these pretty little girls would go gunning for you. We always had all of this music we were working on for our next performance. None of the music was watered down, it was the real deal. You had to know your part. If someone who sat behind you challenged for your chair, the conductor would pick several bars at random and make you each play it. Then the orchestra would decide who played it best. They would clap by hitting their bows on the music stand. The vote was always fair. If it was too close to call then there would be a show of hands. The girl on my left is sitting one chair behind me in this photo. That meant she had to turn the pages on our music stand as we played. She's not happy about this. Our relationship was not so good. In fact, I don't think we ever spoke to eachother. I thought she was hot but she hated me. Needless to say, I didn't make too many girlfriends in orchestra.
RIP Luciano, no more fighting for your place.