Here are some pictures from our hike to Dog Lake in Kootenay National Park British Columbia. Above is Dog Lake (AKA Lac Dog..) It could be named Lac Mud on the bottom, but you'd never know as it's so beautiful on the surface. Queenie and I went for a dip and you sink way in to sediment at least on the west side. I don't get the whole dog thing. Not one thing about this lake reminded me of a dog except for the dog we saw while we were hiking in.. It slobbered on my hand BTW, and I didn't get an alergic reaction to that. The dog wasn't native to the lake however.
We had to cross over the Kootenay River with two different bridges. That was kind of fun actually. Then the trail starts to climb over a ridge and decends on the other side to Dog Lake where this moss was in the forest. It was really pretty there.
It's only a few kilometers but kind of a steep climb both in and out. I think it took us about an hour each direction. Of course we were taking our time taking pictures of everything we saw as usual.. I think it's totally worth it if you want a short hike while in the park. You'll most likey have the lake to yourself and it doesn't get much better than that.
I LOL'd at the Lac Mud comment. I was totally shocked that I sank almost up to my knees in that mud. Still, such a nice time! I liked the first bouncy bridge, but it was 3 bridges, if you count our "kayak creek" bridge. ;)
Oh that's right, but only two bridges cross sections of the river. The small one was a stream. I bet the other side of the lake has a rock bottom, and why we saw people fishing on that side.
I LOL'd at the Lac Mud comment. I was totally shocked that I sank almost up to my knees in that mud. Still, such a nice time! I liked the first bouncy bridge, but it was 3 bridges, if you count our "kayak creek" bridge. ;)
Very pretty photos!!
Oh that's right, but only two bridges cross sections of the river. The small one was a stream. I bet the other side of the lake has a rock bottom, and why we saw people fishing on that side.
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