Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hummus and a bear dream

I made my first batch of hummus the other morning. It turned out good except that I think next time I'll leave out the garlic. I put the smallest little piece in but I guess in the morning I'm not really in the mood for garlic. I had a poached egg on hummus. I learned how to make a poached egg by watching Julia Child and Jacques Pepin on TV. Here's a picture of my breakfast. The lemon is just for color in the photo, but I did put lemon in the hummus. I had fresh ground coffee but I think a reisling would have been pretty good with this.

I had a bear dream again last night. I dreamt that I took a road that went up a canyon towards a mountain pass. It started to snow so much that I didn't go very far before I pulled off the road and took shelter in a vacant house. The snow plows couldn't keep up with all of the snow as it got so deep. I looked outside from in the house and and watched as the snow got deeper and deeper. Then I noticed that a bear was sniffing around out by my car and looking in the direction of the house. Soon it was trying to get into the house by standing up on its hind legs and pushing on the door with its front legs. That's when I woke up.


Diane Lowe said...

That looks fantastic.

Did you make the pita yourself?

You know. . . .Brad Pitt listened to bears in "Legends of the Fall". . . .

don said...

I didn't make the pita, I got them at a different bakery and they were ok but not great.

I found out that when I put the chickpeas in the quisinart it greatly reduced their volume, so I'm not sure I can make this at much of a savings. But still nice to know how.

I haven't seen that movie as usual. I'll look for it.

The Wordpecker said...

I'm no dream interpreter but
I think this dream means that you are sick of the snow and you want it to be spring. Wait a minute...
that's me.

Isn't hummus without the garlic just smooshed up chick peas? Maybe you need to try to make jam for your breakfast. Strawberry season is right around the corner :)

don said...

It's odd. Bears come out of hibernation in the spring. It snowed again last night and this morning. First day of spring.

I should have roasted the garlic like I was going to in the first place.

Diane Lowe said...


A coworker made strawberry jam once with champagne. . . it tasted like summer. . . .