Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The river is brown and muddy right now due to all of the run-off and snow melt. Usually it is crystal clear. It gets like this after a good rain too. The river is really high right now as are all of the rivers in western Montana.
I retain the rights to all of my photos. Please do not use without permission.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Gun ownership
My viewpoint as a "liberal" is somewhat counterintuitive. I guess I wouldn't have a problem with the "well regulated" militia argument, if private contractors such as the present admin has employed, weren't being used in military and law enforcement roles in situations like Katrina and Iraq. I just can't believe that these private contractors are "well regulated". Clearly they aren't as they only answer to those who pay them.
Obama has clearly stated, as the court has ruled, that like all constitutinal rights, the right to bear arms is an individual right. He also added that as with all rights, it isn't without restrictions. For instance you can own a gun here where I live, provided you aren't a felon, but you can't shoot in in certian areas, like my back yard. I don't think reasonable gun owners have a problem with reasonable restrictions.
At a time when those in power at the highest level of government will try to justify "domestic surveillance" and re-define what is and isn't touture, I don't think it's a good time to compromise any other individual rights, because then you are completely at the mercy of those who come into power. In this respect I think that gun ownership is a cornerstone of our democracy.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
You just can't polish a turd

And check out these beautiful flower pots that the city put out. I'm not sure who came up with this idea, and I'm not really sure what to say about it, but a quote from Beavis and Butthead comes to mind...
Yes I watched Beavis and Butt-head... Butt-head once said, "You just can't polish a turd Beavis,"....
Monday, June 23, 2008
Parting shot
One of those days

The sun started going down and it was time for me to take my skiff out ( which I named Aunt Gertrude after my deceased aunt who used to have a place here, and this is off point but I think I'll name all of my future boats after my aunts, but I have to wait until they die) Anyway I jumped on Aunt Gertrude and took off with neighbors watching. I was going along several hundred yards off of shore RRRRRRRRRR and then the old outboard motor konked out. I could see people on shore with fires going. Now I was the entertainment. I tried over and over to start it. The wind was blowing me out and away from my place. Finally I realized the gas line wasn't hooked up. Aunt Gertrude came back to life and off we went together.... (into the sunset)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Flat tire

Storm clouds
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I can relate
Friday, June 20, 2008
Two lane highway

Another picture from my road trip today. The white stuff on the sides of the roads is clay that you can make pottery out of. There used to be an old lady named Zella who lived in this valley. She was into pottery. She made me a a ceramic dog lamp. It was a ceramic cocker spaniel dog head and only its eyes lit up. During the day it just looked like a regular cocker spaniel, But at night when you turned it on it looked like this evil possessed by the devil spaniel.
I retain the rights to all of my photos. Please do not use without permission.
Cyber cedars

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
60 is the new 20

The trout are rising, but not so much the men... If you go there, bring your Power Bait. Camp Tuffit doesn't accept Viagra.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Flathead Lake picture

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wildhorse Island

I retain all rights to my photos. Please do not use any of my photos without permission.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Saint Ignatius Mission
I went on a road trip in Montana and stopped where you can see the Mission Mountains. I used to ride my bike up and down this highway but there's really too much traffic on it now to be safe. This is on the Kootenai and Salish Indian Reservation. The Bison Range is to the left of my car and at the foot of those Mission Mountains is a mission (of all things) built by some priests. I'd always heard that there were some beautiful paintings inside and never stopped to see them so I decided it was time to check it out.
This is what it looks like inside. There are 58 frescos done by Italian Jesuit Joseph Carignano who was the cook at the mission and lived from 1853 to 1919. It's really beautiful. Mary on the left and Joseph on the right.
Mary is usually depicted with a blue robe in Christian art and usually has a halo.
This painting was on canvas at the back of the sanctuary. This figure was on the left and there was a native male figure on the right. Also Mary and Joseph. The native american Mary and her baby Jesus both have halos. The top of her robe is blue. There is a star painted on the cradle board above the baby's head. And it's kind of hard to see but there is light shining down on her from above. I thought this was an interesting painting. I didn't get the significance of these two paintings until I got to the cabin and reviewed my photos.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Them changes
I've changed a few things here at bicyclelog. I've added the picture above. What does that have to do with bicyclelog you might ask?.. Well Montana is a pretty big and remote place. I'm kind of nostalgic about getting around in it by bike or by truck.
I'll probably change that header. And what the heck, I'm going to bring back comments. I've got to get outside of my own little bubble again.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Camera repair

I've been using a newer camera but I really liked this one. I've seen this battery door for sale on e-bay but I think the camera would have to be taken apart. So I bought some two part epoxy and dug out some old fiberglass scraps. I sanded off the paint in that area and filled the crack and void with epoxy and layed in fiberglass strands for extra strength. After 24 hours I'll clean it up and glue up another layer with the glass going in a different direction. It looks like it's going to work.
I put a a little piece of the fiberglass mesh in the photo so you can see what it looks like. You can't really see it when you put it into the epoxy as the strands all but disappear, I was taking apart the mesh and using bunches of strands like the one seperated from the mesh in the photo. I can get a cleaner result that way and orient the strands in the dierction I want.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Congratulations Curt
I 've greatly valued each and every comment everyone has made. I've tried to respond to all.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Big Brown

Friday, June 06, 2008
Memory stick

Then she couldn't believe that her photos were gone. I had to tell her that I was sorry but her photos were dead. It sucked. She stomped off. This is how my day started...
So I went to the store after work to get something to eat as I was starving. They had moved everything around. Why they do this I honestly don't know. So now I can't find anything. I asked the produce guy where the coffee was and he said he wasn't sure, but went for a walk about with me. Then I needed aluminum foil. Couldn't find it. So I asked a checker who wasn't busy and we went for a walk about. While we were walking I suggested that they print out a map of where everything is and give it to the customers. She said "You know what, you can have mine." And she handed me this card that had all of the stuff listed and what isle it is on. Cool.
Lastly, here is a shot of the train tracks tonight. Wait that's not completely accurate! It was late afternoon. If you are looking for total accuracy this blog isn't the place for you. You'll have to go to Wikipedia for that....
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Obama has won

It looks pretty much the same and I had my tent in exactly the same place. This isn't far from where I live. It only takes me a half an hour or so to get there. It's a great playground to have in one's back yard.
One thing I've learned by looking back on my blog is that I shouldn't write so much and just take more pictures. I told someone once that I'd write just to read what I'd written. Of course she took it the wrong way,..
I can't tell you how happy I am that Obama has won the nomination. I was starting to think that Clinton might try to pull off some sort of military coup d'etat or something and take over the government...
It's nice to know that rules still matter after all we've been through the last eight years.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Obama wins Montana
I know that there is a huge anti Hillary Clinton sentiment in Montana. That might explain Montana's vote. I can't really explain Clinton's win in SD, but it might be that race has something to do with it, but that's only a guess. I've only been to South Dakota once.
Tonight I even heard governor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer's name brought up as a potential VP for Obama. I doubt that will happen, even though Montana's former governor Marc Racicot became one of Bush's "closest friends and advisers" and was the chairman of the Republican National Committee from 02-03. Haven't heard a peep out of him lately though. Probably wanted to distance himself from Bush.
Lastly I thought Clinton's comments tonight praising Obama for bringing interest to the democratic party were condescending. Now it's 18 million people she says have voted for her and yet last weekend on Meet the Press Russert said it wasn't possible for her to have gotten even the 17 million that they were claiming last week. Ickes, when confronted by Russert said the numbers were based on AP projections and then wanted to quickly move on.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Ickes and McClellan
And on the subject of the Bush admin,.. I watched McClellan on the Today show when he first "came out" and then on Olbermann, and then Sunday on Meet the Press. If we accept that view that he was a bad apple then what does that tell us about the Bush admin? They have poor judgement in selecting people to represent them, or they really don't care what the public thinks. And then after he was let go or whatever you want to call it, they turned to Fox News for propoganda. It's pathetic any way you look at it.
Montana votes tomorrow. Bill Clinton spoke a few miles south of Missoula at Stevensville. They are getting desperate if they bother to go to Stevensville Montana. There is a an article in the Missoulian about his visit and a video clip of what he said there that you can click on. WILD BILL
It was clearly hard for him to get excited about the situation.