It often looks cool and I'm always getting my camera out to take pictures while I ski or ride the chairlift. Everyone enjoys the views even if they stay on the easy trails.

It often looks cool and I'm always getting my camera out to take pictures while I ski or ride the chairlift. Everyone enjoys the views even if they stay on the easy trails.
Here's a picture of Chief Cliff in the winter mist.
"This is the day the Lord has made", I thought as I walked up the road following a set of coyote tracks that followed a set of deer tracks. Something I remembered from a sermon I heard on my shorwave radio the night before in the camper. That old preacher sounded to me like he'd had a little too much to drink I thought as I followed along in those tracks.
Darkness fell upon the forest and I got in the truck and drove back home. Past the Seventh Day Advents. Past the Slavic Baptist Church. Past the Open Bible and the Maranatha. Past the LDS and past the Community Church.
This is one of my favorite places when I go hunting each fall. This is looking up a great big mountain full of larch trees. One thing about hunting with a camera, is that if the hunting is bad there's always something to take a picture of. This picture looked a lot better on the camera than it does on my computer, but it gives you an idea. I've spent a lot of time here and there's something about this place that keeps calling me back.
There were mushrooms everywhere of all different shapes and colors. This one looks like it would be very good to eat! Good thing I'm not a caveman.. I'd eat this sucker! Someone figured out that it's only cool to eat some of them...Can you imagine the learning curve?
This guy was riding a 1959 Schwinn Corvette, and like many old hot rods it's been modified with a derailleur hanger on the rear dropout. When he rode up on me I heard this squeaking, and I said to him, "it needs oil,.." with a smile. :) he assured me that it was the saddle that was squeaking. (I'd oil the saddle then.. I can't stand a bike that sqeaks,.) None the less it was a sweet ride and he gets bicyclelog best bike male rider award!