Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Faking it

Here's something I wrote a long time ago about faking it 

I had to fake my way through a few church hymns. I'm a pretty good faker. I have a pretty small singing range. Three or four notes.. They had the words to the music printed in the hand out they give you to let you know what's going on. But you could also look the hymns up in the hymnal if you wanted to read the music. One of the hymns was really complicated. I was looking at the score in the hymnal thinking, how do people fake something this complicated? So then I faked it with a thoughtful confused look on my face because the choir is up there looking straight back at all of the people in the congregation and probably trying to decide who is faking it. That's what I'd do if I were in the choir... Then I got to thinking how church hymns might just be some sort of honesty test...

Every dog is a service dog

It's like every dog is a service dog.  I was in Walmart the other day and there was a service dog somewhere in the huge store just barking and barking off in the distance.  After that it started howling.

Idaho has a law known as the food safety act or something like that.  It prohibits any dogs/ animals from being where food is prepared or served.  Nobody in Idaho seems to subscribe to that law..

Well the heck. I wonder what they would do if I brought Wallace my cat into Walmart?  I could just put him down on the produce and let him sniff around while I picked out what I wanted.. 

My Way Back

Ok, so I finally got my way back into Blogger.. Good grief. I hate passwords and that sort of thing.  Now I'd better write something. 

Well, there has been a lot that has happened since quit writing/ blogging.  I have a new laptop and I'm getting used to the keyboard.  I find typing relaxing.  It's kind of like playing piano.  I like to move my fingers and then see words appear on the screen.  One thing my old man told me was to learn how to type.  He was right about that and many other things.  I hate it when I see someone hunting and pecking.. My recent doctor does that, and I'm thinking how in the heck did this guy get through med school? I miss my Blackberry.. It had keys on it and I could type on it using my thumbs without looking.

And there's the whole thing about my health.. Nobody wants to talk about that so I won't.  I admit it's a real downer.. There's just so many things to catch up on, not that any of it matters in the grand scheme of things.

It used to be that when I blogged I'd just write about whatever came to my mind.  So that's what I will do now also.  I had a web tracker on my blog.  I could see how long people stayed on my blog, and what they did. It became clear people were just finding my photos and taking them and they didn't have time to read so I think I will just write for a while now.  That's what I miss anyway.

When I was having my life without blogging I wasn't well, but I made friends with a stray tom cat.  He was roaming free in the winter and living under my shed and truck.  I was determined to make friends with him.  I coaxed him with food and finally after several months I won his trust.  I finally took him in when he showed up one day all cut up from being in a fight.  I treated his wounds with neosporin and he just went and rolled in the dirt. We are now mates, and he's an indoor cat.  He is orange and weighs 23 pounds, name of Wallace.  He's a great cat.

Well I guess that's enough for now. If I can get back in then I'll write some more.