I recently got a couple of vintage cook books that are small and will travel well:
7-up Goes to a party, (everthing is made with 7-up in it, how fun!) and it includes a savory jello recipe that I'm curious to try: Shrimp Aspic Ring.
And I also got a vintage Presto pressure cooker recipe book. I have a pressure cooker, and with it you can make a fast and hearty meal in minutes including a recipe for squirrel that will be handy for camping as there are squirrels everywhere! Here's all you need to make it:
1 squirrel
salt and pepper
1/4 cup of fat
1 cup of water
2 tbsp. flour
Wait a minute,. a quarter cup of fat? Where in the heck are we gonna get a quarter cup of fat when we are camping!? I'm not even sure if you can buy just plain old fat any more. I guess we will substitute the fat with olive oil. Or substitute the squirrel with a more fatty rodent, like beaver or marmot. Of course you'd probably only need half a beaver for two servings, and you'll have to fight over who gets the tail!
The flour is in case you want to thicken your squirrel au jus, so you don't even need the flour really.
The flour is in case you want to thicken your squirrel au jus, so you don't even need the flour really.