I've been wanting ride my bike since the snow melted in town and it was very nice. I rode past the golf course and ended up at a park across from a school. I sat on a park bench and watched the kids play while I listened to the radio in my ear buds. Some of the kids were playing football and some were playing soccer.. Various groups around the field all running in different directions. Their motions as they ran reminded me of birds flying around somewhat at random but following a lead. A bell must of rang and they all started to run away, to line up in the distance and go back to class.
Then I realized that I'm the old dude in this picture with an old bike sitting alone on a park bench watching the children play. Hmm.. I thought.. I guess that's not so bad.. Now if I just didn't have to go back to work..
Yeeeahhhh... old guy... sitting alone on a bench... watching kids...
Anyway, I'm glad you aren't really a pervert in real life... and i'm glad you got to go bike riding today!! :)
I still love the copper color on that bike!
Looks like you had a nice ride!
Ha Ha! Jules, I was thinking more the old dude feeding the birds not stalking the kids!!! The bike ride did make me feel a little like a kid myself though, if I weren't so old dudish..
I like the color too Diane, and I really like the bike in general. It was money well spent as I can just jump on it and go without getting serious. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not giving up my road bike just yet.
Mighty fine lookin' bike you've got there.
Well thank you!
Nice day there. We had one day when we might have biked but there was so much mud... keep thinking it's okay to take the tarp off of the camper but no.
PS if you find that banjo uke and want to string it up again - give us a shout. I can't remember now what Matt uses on his BU. How cool that your dad played.
I think that banjo uke is in Missoula in the attic somewhere. I didn't realize exactly what it was until I saw your video. I'm going to try and hunt it down next time I'm there. I don't remember where it came from. My dad or I picked it up at a garage sale or something like that years ago.
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