I broke down and got some new adidas to wear. Thankfully they are making them look more like they used to, kind of plain with three black stripes. That is how I like them. I don't want look like I'm in the NBA, I just want to look kind of sporty. The problem is, and I don't know if it is just me, but if I wear one new thing to work everyone makes a big deal about it every time I walk in the room. It could be a shirt or slacks, anything. So I end up not getting anything new as I don't want to draw attention to myself. Probably if I got new stuff all the time they might get used to it. But even strangers seem to notice anything new on me. I don't know what it is. Even my cat ran right up to me and started sniffing my shoes and then looked up at me in wonder.
Well I was wearing my new adidas and I went to the place that makes film for me. The film guy just looked straight at my shoes. He didn't say anything about them outloud, but there was this un-spoken dialog going on in the back of both of our heads ("You are wearing new shoes! What the heck!," "Yes I know darn it! eveyone will just have to get used to them.") And our spoken dialog, ("Here is your film." "Thanks for making it so fast!")
Then I went back a week later and he looked right at my shoes again, as if to make sure he didn't imagine them the first time. But they are starting to look a little warn in now, and everyone is starting to accept me in them. And I have to admit, there is something about new white adidas that draws attention.
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