There was a time when people only came from out of state to Flathead Lake for a summer vacation. We viewed this sort of thing as a tourist trap. I wonder how the natives viewed it? It was in bad taste, but I'm kind of nostalgic about it now. Notice the elk painting. I think it is kind of cool due to it's age and condition.
But I grew up on the lake as a kid and played on a floating stump just like these native kids were doing Sunday. What a simple pleasure. Most kids are only happy with a jet ski now. People with too much disposable income are moving in. No doubt this bronze elk cost tens of thousands. It is kind of cool in a way, but it also kind of sucks. What is the point? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for public art, and western art. But what are these people saying? We like elk, we just don't want real ones walking across our property to get a drink at the lake. Is this really in good taste? The elk looks so natural standing in the flower bed... Perhaps it is getting ready to jump the fence? I'm kind of surprised someone hasn't taken a shot at it,.. this is Montana after all. I used to walk a mile with Walter down to this store and buy a pop. It was owned by an old native woman. There was a smell to the place like an old grocery store. The pop machine was an old one. You had to lift the lid on it and the bottles were in cold water. You moved the one you wanted to a gate that would open when you put your money in.
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