Thursday, November 08, 2007

New socks

I wanted something to make me feel good. What makes you feel better than new socks?.. So I bought some new socks.

New socks are like a drug. They make you feel really good at first. But the more you use them the less good they feel. So you need more and more new socks to feel good.

If I were president, instead of bombing people, I'd drop new socks on them. They would be so happy that they would sit down and cross their legs. Then I'd hit them with the dill pickles.

This is the answer to world peace.


Megan said...

And they smell sooooo good! I love the smell and feel of new socks.

Glad something made you happy!!

don said...

The smell better than my old ones that's for sure.

TRM said...

If I won the lottery I would have a new pair of socks every day.

don said...

I would get a pair of hand made White's logging boots...

And a new pair of cowboy boots.