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Artisan bread
I don't know what to think. Sometimes I wish I lived in France or Italy or even Seattle. The food choices here just suck so bad. To Safeway's credit they are making great bagels. For that I'm thankful. And for some reason people here are crazy about sourdough. I'm not so much. I don't mind it, but it's not the only bread I think we should value, and depsite the fact that Safeway sells a few choices of hummus, they only sell one kind of pita bread and it is way over priced and it sucks. I really need to teach myself how to make pita bread.
So I'm looking over the bread choices at Safeway and I decide to buy some ciabatta. I get it home and pull it out of the bag and it had "ARTISAN" written on it in flour. It should have said "CIABATTA" but either way it was tacky I thought. Perhaps it's intended to make the local stepford wives feel "artistic" in their domestic roles.
Sorry your bread selection sucks! Bread is a total weakness of mine and if I over do it, it wreck havoc on my waitstline!
We have an independent shop here called BREAD. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
I always thought Safeway's were great little grocery stores and wanted one here.
Hope you at least go to enjoy your bread.
Try this place - there was a branch in Butte I liked:
Great Harvest Bread Co.
East 2530 29th
Spokane, WA 99223
(509) 535-1146
And here's a pita bread recipe (which also has a link to my favorite middle eastern treat, tabbouli).
The bread wasn't bad Megan. Safeway is expensive but at least it's clean. You can spend $9 for a chicken. I love bread too, and it has the same impact on me.
I'll have to check that place out Diane. It's up on the south hill though and that's about an hour round trip from where I am. I am going up there this afternoon however as there is a ski shop up there that is working on a pair of my skis.
Thanks for the Pita recipe! I'll try it. Fred Meyer's has the pitas I like for half the price of Safeway but it's quite a ways to go too.
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