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A house divided
I listened to McCain's comments after Romney withdrew from the presidential race. Pretty much in line with Bush. Especially with respect to the freedom being a god given right statement. I honestly don't understand why Rush Limbaugh has such a problem with McCain. Perhaps Limbaugh is out of touch. If Rush is "right" then why did Romney have to withdraw and why is McCain doing so well? And what about the religious right? Why is Huckabee doing so poorly? It looks to me like the republicans are completely divided. I wonder if Rush Limbaugh might be part of the problem?
Much of what Limbaugh says offends me but I think he's actually out of step with his own party now. Perhaps people are tired of hating eachother. I wonder if he ever thought about that? Was it Lincoln who once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand?

I definitely felt the Republican party did not have its act together this election cycle.
I have to admit that I thought Romney would have waited a few more months before pulling out.
I still think Obama has what it takes to win the nomination. The right is way more anti-Clinton than they are anti-Obama; I read somewhere that psycho-right-wing voters would be more prone to show up to the polls if they could vote against Clinton than for anyone else.
That makes some sense to me. I think the best thing the Democrats can do to cinch the White House this year would be to nominate Obama, personally. But I'm biased. :)
Romney was spending too much of his own money.
I watched a bio of Hillary Clinton today. She's pretty impressive. I still can't get past that one vote however.
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